828-743-5191 PO Box 238 Cashiers NC 28717 FEIN 82-2618937
An educational and charitable foundation to finance and endow public works programs and projects in the Cashiers area, including the communities of Cashiers, Glenville, Sapphire and Lake Toxaway.
The Cashiers Area Legacy Fund (CALF) uses a grant application process designed to specifically support responsible growth and preservation in the form of sidewalk construction subsidies, beautification projects, leadership programming and more.
The CALF Board of Trustees works in close cooperation with the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce to identify initiatives and opportunities for fulfilling our mission. We also aim to serve as the nexus for communication with and input from community stakeholders, interest groups, area non-profits and financial supporters. | More about the Cashiers Area Chamber Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-919-814-5400. This is not an endorsement by the state.